Roger-Viollet | 482032 | World War II. The Marshal Pétain greeting mayors from Gironde, with on the first row, Sabatier, Region prefect, Vichy, September 1943. | © LAPI / Roger-Viollet
Roger-Viollet | 482032 | World War II. The Marshal Pétain greeting mayors from Gironde, with on the first row, Sabatier, Region prefect, Vichy, September 1943. | © LAPI / Roger-Viollet

World War II. The Marshal Pétain greeting mayors from Gironde, with on the first row, Sabatier, Region prefect, Vichy, September 1943.

Right Managed
Date of shooting
1943-09-01 - 1943-09-30
Restriction(s) of use
Prior permission required for all advertising & promotional use or use on consumer goods & derivative products.