Roger-Viollet | 1379997 | Opening of the ring road (section of Choisy Gate-Vitry Gate). Paris (France), on December 5th, 1966, at 10.30 a.m. Photograph by Pierre Drecq (born in 1912), from the collections of the French newspaper
Roger-Viollet | 1379997 | Opening of the ring road (section of Choisy Gate-Vitry Gate). Paris (France), on December 5th, 1966, at 10.30 a.m. Photograph by Pierre Drecq (born in 1912), from the collections of the French newspaper

Opening of the ring road (section of Choisy Gate-Vitry Gate). Paris (France), on December 5th, 1966, at 10.30 a.m. Photograph by Pierre Drecq (born in 1912), from the collections of the French newspaper "France-Soir." Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris.

Right Managed
Date of shooting