Roger-Viollet | 887111 | Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant, built following the same pattern as the Chernobyl one, with a VVER reactor. Four out of the six units were in a sorry state at the time of the report, especially units 1 and 2. Security equipment to use in case of nuclear incident given to the people living around the power plant. Lome (Bulgaria), 1992. | © Jean-Paul Guilloteau / Roger-Viollet
Roger-Viollet | 887111 | Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant, built following the same pattern as the Chernobyl one, with a VVER reactor. Four out of the six units were in a sorry state at the time of the report, especially units 1 and 2. Security equipment to use in case of nuclear incident given to the people living around the power plant. Lome (Bulgaria), 1992. | © Jean-Paul Guilloteau / Roger-Viollet

Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant, built following the same pattern as the Chernobyl one, with a VVER reactor. Four out of the six units were in a sorry state at the time of the report, especially units 1 and 2. Security equipment to use in case of nuclear incident given to the people living around the power plant. Lome (Bulgaria), 1992.

Right Managed
Date of shooting
1992-01-01 - 1992-12-31
Restriction(s) of use
Prior permission required for all advertising & promotional use or use on consumer goods & derivative products.