Roger-Viollet | 283053 | Brigitte Bardot (born in 1934), French actress and singer. Paris, February 1962. Photograph by Jean Marquis (1926-2019). | © Jean Marquis / Roger-Viollet
Roger-Viollet | 283053 | Brigitte Bardot (born in 1934), French actress and singer. Paris, February 1962. Photograph by Jean Marquis (1926-2019). | © Jean Marquis / Roger-Viollet

Brigitte Bardot (born in 1934), French actress and singer. Paris, February 1962. Photograph by Jean Marquis (1926-2019).

Right Managed
Date of shooting
1962-02-01 - 1962-02-28
Restriction(s) of use
Prior permission required for all advertising & promotional use or use on consumer goods & derivative products.
Personality rights must also be cleared for commercial use : Open Art Productions, Claire Riffard,, Tél 01 41 38 85 85