Roger-Viollet | 272531 | Auction sales run by Maître Ader in the Galerie Charpentier. René Bouffet, prefect of the Seine, in the first row (2nd from the left). Paris, June 1944. | © LAPI / Roger-Viollet
Roger-Viollet | 272531 | Auction sales run by Maître Ader in the Galerie Charpentier. René Bouffet, prefect of the Seine, in the first row (2nd from the left). Paris, June 1944. | © LAPI / Roger-Viollet

Auction sales run by Maître Ader in the Galerie Charpentier. René Bouffet, prefect of the Seine, in the first row (2nd from the left). Paris, June 1944.

Right Managed
Date of shooting
1944-06-01 - 1944-06-30
Restriction(s) of use
Prior permission required for all advertising & promotional use or use on consumer goods & derivative products.