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Death of Aga Khan, by Jean Marquis

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<span style="font-size:80%">A city of letters <br />Parisian Writers from Aragon to Zola</span>
© Albert Harlingue / Roger-Viollet

From November 21, 2024 to March 1, 2025

A city of letters
Parisian Writers from Aragon to Zola

An exhibition where literature and photography invite lovers of the French capital to take a stroll through the Paris of writers.
From Aragon to Zola, this literary primer takes visitors on a tour of the capital's neighborhoods, where writers lived their daily lives or fed their imaginations. From the cafés haunted by Paul Verlaine to the Halles in Émile Zola's Ventre de Paris, not forgetting the dark streets that follow Modiano…
Alongside this exhibition, street artist 13 bis will pay tribute to 100 years of Surrealism, by showing 7 original works.

The Roger-Viollet Gallery welcomes you from Tuesday to Saturday
from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. Free admission.

6 rue de Seine 75006 Paris
Tél. + 33 1 55 42 89 09 -


  • 40th anniversary of the death of Hélène Roger-Viollet on 27 January 2025

    40th anniversary of the death of Hélène Roger-Viollet on 27 January 2025

  • Brigitte Bardot

    Brigitte Bardot

  • 2025, centenary of Pierre Boulez's birth

    2025, centenary of Pierre Boulez's birth

  • Montessori pedagogy

    Montessori pedagogy

  • 50 years ago Marcel Pagnol passed away

    50 years ago Marcel Pagnol passed away

  • Holidays by Janine Niepce

    Holidays by Janine Niepce

  • The pan

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  • News pictures France-Soir and of 1944-1945

    News pictures France-Soir and of 1944-1945

  • 100 years 24 hours of Le Mans

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  • The aerostat around 1900

    The aerostat around 1900

  • Retirement home for lyric artists by Gaston Paris

    Retirement home for lyric artists by Gaston Paris

  • Large families

    Large families


Exhibition rentals

For your cultural events, we propose a choice of turnkey exhibitions, or to explore together our exceptional photographic archives for the production of made-to-measure projects.

More information

Our Photographers

  • Gaston Paris

    Gaston Paris

    Né en 1903, Gaston Paris est dès les années 1930 l'un des piliers de l'hebdomadaire Vu fondé en 1928 par Lucien Vogel. Seul salarié parmi les photographes, il partage les pages du magazine avec Laure [...]

  • Léon Claude Vénézia

    Léon Claude Vénézia

    Both humanist and poetic, Léon Claude Vénézia’s photographs take us to the East of Paris and its suburbs. Born in 1941, he immortalized the big transformations in architecture and society occurred [...]

  • Laure Albin Guillot

    Laure Albin Guillot

    Born in 1879, Laure Albin Guillot is remarkable for her longevity and the variety of her work. Married to a scientist, she invented the term “micrography” in the 1920s, referring to her photographs [...]

  • Hélène Roger-Viollet

    Hélène Roger-Viollet

    From the 1950’s to the 1970’s, Hélène Roger-Viollet travelled the world with her Rolleiflex camera, visiting America, Asia and Africa... Eldest daughter of the French engineer and amateur [...]

  • Colette Masson

    Colette Masson

    Colette Masson began her career in 1966 when she met the lyric singer Régine Crespin. For forty years, she photographed the shows and the artists which marked the history of dance and lyric art in [...]

  • Pierre Jahan

    Pierre Jahan

    Pierre Jahan was born in 1909 in Amboise and settled in Paris in 1932. Two encounters influenced his decision to become a professional photographer: Raymond Gid, the French illustrator, who managed a [...]

  • Jean-Paul Guilloteau

    Jean-Paul Guilloteau

    Jean-Paul Guilloteau has traveled the world over in search of "magazine" subjects that since 1986 have illustrated the pages of L'Express magazine. In Europe, he primarily covered the former Soviet [...]

  • Christian Rose (1946-2023)

    Christian Rose (1946-2023)

    Christian Rose (1946-2023), photographer of musicians. Christian Rose has been wandering the music stages during 60 years, producing a huge collection of images and meeting numerous artists from the [...]


Explore our collections

  • Science and technology

    Science and technology

  • Libération de Paris

    Libération de Paris

  • Beaux Arts

    Beaux Arts

  • Universal & Colonial Exhibitions

    Universal & Colonial Exhibitions

  • Life under occupation

    Life under occupation

  • WWII


  • Architecture


  • History of France

    History of France

  • Insolite


  • Artist portraits

    Artist portraits

  • Transportation


  • Rural life and villages in France

    Rural life and villages in France

  • Dance & Opera

    Dance & Opera

  • Cinema


  • Marville & Atget

    Marville & Atget

  • Music



  • What uses can I make of the images on the Roger-Viollet website ?

    If you wish to use our images for professional use, public representation or commercial use (e.g. decoration of stores, hotels or other public places, exhibitions, etc.) or to reproduce them in a magazine, publication, film or documentary, on a commercial or institutional website, etc., you must obtain prior authorization and pay for the rights of use. You can request a quote here.

  • Are all the photos from the Roger-Viollet collection and the France-Soir collection digitized and visible on your website ?

    An important part of the Roger-Viollet collection (6 million documents) and the France-Soir collection (1 million photos) is already accessible online. We are constantly digitizing and indexing tens of thousands of new images that are constantly being added to the roger-viollet.fr site on a daily basis.

  • What type of license is attached to Roger-Viollet images ?

    "The images on the Roger-Viollet website are under a Rights Managed license, which implies that each use is unique. The scope of the license is based on several factors such as the media, the position and size of the image, the duration of use, the territory of distribution, etc.
    For a free quote, click here.

  • What is the fee for images for professional use ?

    The fee for our images depends on the use you are going to make of them. It is calculated according to several criteria such as the media, the position and the size of the image, the duration of use, the territory of diffusion, etc.
    For a free quote, click here.